With more and more homeowners looking to enter the outdoor patio furniture scene. Many of these individuals are looking to furnish their outdoor living space with only the best of the best-looking furniture and color schemes. “What color sets look best on my outdoor patio?” “What material furniture should I purchase if I want to leave my furniture under the elements?” What’s in style and what’s out of style, seems to be on the forefront of any homeowner’s mind regarding how they decorate their outside patio. Well, wonder no more folks. We’ve got a scoop on some pretty simple tips you should look out for when purchasing your outdoor patio furniture.
Below we have tackled some of the most popular questions on soon-to-be outdoor patio owners, let’s get right into it.
Should I Mix & Match Materials In My Furniture Look?
Well the short answer, without a doubt you should. Many people look for a Diverse selection of furniture materials to give their outdoor living space more of a pop in the eye and an overall ensemble-esque look. Think of it as an orchestra, you have a mixture of different stimulations from the low end, the cellos and bass, and from the high end, you have the viola and violin. All of these different frequencies make a beautiful sound or in this case a look.
A mixture of wooden material can go with kinds of dark metal and vice versa, the options are almost unlimited with how many different combinations a homeowner can come up with to decorate their outdoor living space, so get creative, you’ve got plenty of options.
How Can You Mix And Match Your Furniture’s Look?
Well first note there is no right way to create a piece of art, think of your outdoor patio furniture as a reflection of the homeowner’s style. Do what compliments your taste for starters. Enable yourself to grab the passion of creating what not only you and your family but others will enjoy but others too!
While you are gaining the passion for creating your own unique outdoor patio style, here are a few pointers when making sure your patio is up to the latest beauty standards. There are a few things to mix and match up that are scientifically proven to be captivating to the eye. These designs incorporate different aspects of the outdoor patio furniture look including the throw pillow, to the materials of the furniture themselves, and even the rugs underneath, or the drapes or ceiling fans above.
There are quite a few factors that go into making a good set of outdoor furniture but don’t let that deter you. Introducing the “Rule of Three”, this popular piece of design lingo is widely known within the industry. The rule of three states that if one thing is repeated three times then there is a neural connection in the human brain that recognizes a group.
This is one of the more widely accepted methods of mixing and matching. One section of your ensemble contains three either same colored or same material built items, and then the next section, and so on. This can create a unique look of passion and effort along with order and class. Sometimes the uniform look can just get a little boring if everything were to be blended in with one another.
Arrange By Construction Material
Mix And Match Based Off Of Materials
This is where the fun part happens. The pride and joy of any outdoor patio furniture is well the furniture. To be a bit more specific the type of furniture present in the outdoor patio ensemble. It is a good point to remember the rule of three when mixing and matching your materials. You can have a section dedicated to darkness and this could be the frames and pillows etc. you have complete freedom to get inspired.
An outdoor favorite consists of lighter hues to get the job done, yet those who regularly get together outside in the evening could go for a more autumn theme.
Arrange By Layout
Let’s say you have two furniture sets made from two different materials – one set is wicker, and the other is metal. Instead of mixing the two sets up, you can separate them into two physically distinct areas. Maybe the wicker will be for deep seating and the metal for dining.
Design Your Layout
For some homeowners, the outdoor patio furniture consists of multiple sections like a lounge area and an area to eat. If this sounds like your patio you can arrange your patio furniture by layout. In one section you have a certain material that could be wood, or metal, with the same or complimenting hues, and another section containing the same theme yet a different look altogether encompassing the material furniture type and color schemes.
In this outdoor patio furniture style, it can feel like an adventure. It can create the sense of reading a book even when you and your guests are moving on into a different section of the homeowner’s patio; it could resemble reading a different page of the same book.
The idea is to create two physically separated groups, so that the difference in style won’t be so obvious.
Use rugs to create a separation of the two groupings or planters. Or, create separate areas with statuary or hanging ornaments. Sure, you’ll probably still be able to see both groupings at once, so use color to unify them.
To boost that illustration further there could be a separator between the two sections. A sculpture, different levels of elevation, agriculture, pools, the list could go on. Yet even going as far as to make the separator, whatever may be part of the design should also be included. In this scenario, you could have a section dedicated to black colors and dark wood or metal furniture, a dark gray separator, and a completely different section of white outdoor patio furniture. The options are really endless.
While we’re here let’s address a quick subject.
Is Outdoor White Furniture A Bad Idea?
This is an interesting question because with the endless combinations of mixing and matching available to the homeowner there wouldn’t ever be a reason to say that white furniture is a bad idea. Not a reason in design that is. In Practicality, it does carry a bit more substance.
So, is white outdoor furniture a bad idea?
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: Yes, however! There are multiple things that can lead to a homeowner getting a headache from their white outdoor furniture. Dirty stains, overbearing heat, and high maintenance to name a few. Yet from a perspective of design and even persistence to keep a white furniture outdoor patio clean this can be absolutely astonishing.
White outdoor patio furniture can carry a lot of risks like stains from spilled drinks. White furniture can be a bad idea outside for practical reasons because if it gets messy well it will take a bit of effort to clean up depending on the material you choose.
The best solution, in this case, would be to incorporate lighter colored hues into the material of the hard furniture itself. For instance, a white marble table and chair with dark-colored fabrics inside and synonymous table garnish could make for a formidable outdoor patio design.
As an added plus the lighter hues of the hard material can generally be a whole lot easier to clean up.
We recommend to any homeowner looking to win the best-looking outdoor patio design in the neighborhood to minimize the white in fabrics as much as you can if you can help with the constant maintenance. If you are fully determined and equipped to get out the possible stains and dirt and dust then go for it, any of the standard’s extreme ranges of the color scale ( blacks and whites ) can really add to the pop and overall class of the setting.
For another, more low-maintenance colors utilize darker hues. These dark hues will make it very hard for dirt and other stains to pop up causing unsightly messes. While blacks may absorb a lot of the temperatures under a harsh beating sun, the hue is low maintenance as it can hide a few accidents here and there, still, tho cleanliness is key to bringing everything together seamlessly.
While there are many options available for future outdoor patio owners, experimentation is key. There are many small enhancements to the setting one can implement to mix and match certain looks. Not all of the pressure is necessarily on what kind of furniture you use.
Designing your outdoor patio can be a thrill of an experience and lots of homeowners love taking the opportunity to express themselves by creating extra space that is homey and will cater for many future gatherings to come. There is not a single right way to design your patio, as long as you don’t hold back on spilling your passion into the project you won’t have a single regret. Happy designing!
Available Outdoor Furniture Sets: